Your first visit to our office consists of a consultation. During this visit, we will review your medical history, dental history, take necessary x-rays, and a 3-D scan. We will also perform a clinical exam by using some simple tests to evaluate the area of the mouth that is of concern to you. Based on the information from the clinical exam, x-rays, and 3D scan we will determine the nature of the problem and make treatment recommendations and also present alternate treatment options. If you require any treatment we will explain why you need treatment, how it is done, the pros and cons of it. After the consultation, you will be scheduled for another appointment with our office to return for treatment. In certain situations, we may provide treatment on the same day as the consultation. Please assist us by bringing the following with you on your first visit.
  • A referral slip and X-rays (if applicable)- Usually these are provided to you by your general dentist and in some cases, your dentist may send this information to us directly.
  • A list of medications you are presently taking
  • If you have dental insurance, bring the necessary completed forms to allow us to help you process any claims.
Note: A parent or guardian must accompany all patients under 18 at the consultation visit. If you have any questions regarding your first visit to our office please feel free to call us at 859-780-2550. We are happy to help and thanks for choosing River Valley Endodontics. Again, thanks for your consideration and we look forward to serving you.